Position Summary

Campus: Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Remuneration: Market Related
EE position: EE
Level: Skilled


The University of Johannesburg (UJ) is a vibrant and cosmopolitan university, anchored in Africa and driven by a powerful strategy focused on attaining global excellence and stature (GES). With an emphasis on independent thinking, sustainable development and strategic partnerships, UJ is an international university of choice. The University is guided by the Vice-Chancellor’s vision of “Positioning UJ in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in the context of the changing social, political and economic fortunes of Africa”.

Job description

The Council of the University of Johannesburg has declared the University as a mandatory vaccination site as per the applicable policy ((https://www.uj.ac.za/covid-19/). All applications and offers of employment is dependent upon compliance with the said policy.

Job Description:

The incumbent will be responsible for providing a comprehensive response and coordinate harassment, sexual and gender-based violence and rape incidences and lead prevention and awareness campaigns at the University of Johannesburg. 
  • Provide a comprehensive response to bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and rape response for the University. Coordinate the reporting of rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, harassment, and all forms of discrimination.
  • Investigate bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, and rape cases once reported within the University:
  • -:Receive and investigate complaints of bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination and gender-related harms
  • -:Conduct investigations and produce investigation reports.
  • -:Collaborate with stakeholders to coordinate disciplinary inquiries for both staff and student cases.
  • Provide supportive measures to students and staff accordingly: 
  • -:Refer and arrange for victim/survivor to receive emergency medical services, counselling services, and paralegal support. 
  • -:Arrange for alternative accommodation together with Student Affairs (Residence Life) where necessary and appropriate.
  • -:Explore how victim/survivor can be supported academically in collaboration with relevant faculty/academic divisions, including changing of academic classes, supervisors and academic concessions, where appropriate. 
  • -:Be a reference when special leave or leave of absence is requested where appropriate.
  • Assist the victim/survivor to obtain a protection order where necessary. 
  • Provide support to the alleged perpetrators where there is a need to do so:
  • -:Provide the alleged perpetrator with a copy of the Policy and University disciplinary rules. 
  • -:Advise the alleged perpetrator concerning the right to obtain legal representation and availability of counselling services. 
  • -:Advise the alleged perpetrator that the University may choose to follow the University disciplinary rules even if the complainant does not wish to. 
  • -:Provide information and rehabilitation sessions to individuals who were not found guilty to eradicate reoffending.
  • -:Arrange for academic support together with the relevant faculty/academic divisions in case academic assessments were missed. 
  • Support and attend to matters should the harassment, sexual harassment and rape case follows criminal or civil proceedings:
  • -:Testify in court if summoned.
  • -:Write witness reports as per court order.
  • -:Testify during the UJ disciplinary proceedings.
  • Implement appropriate integrated gender-sensitive strategies, including training and awareness programmes to eliminate bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and rape: 
  • -:Assess the impact of bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and rape within the institution. 
  • -:Assess the environment involving the institution, including risk profiling and resource implications.
  • -:Implement policies and programmes that are free from unfair discrimination and promote human rights and dignity.
  • Execute education, training, and information sharing seminars concerning bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and rape within the University.
  • Provide emergency assistance for rape and sexual assault survivors in collaboration with Campus Health, Protection Services, Student Affairs and PsyCaD.
  • Provide adequate support, advice and assistance to both complainants and respondents.
  • Provide mediation services, assistance and support in student tribunals and disciplinary hearings.
  • Write monthly, quarterly reports and document GBV statistics. 

Minimum requirements

  • A Bachelor’s degree in Law or Social Science
  • 3-5 Years of experience in gender programming, including significant experience on GBV&F;
  • Preferably 2-3 years’ proven experience within;
  • Strong analytical skills, and ability to design, needs assessments, and evaluations;
Competencies and Behavioural Attributes:

  •  Ability to work well in a team environment, and to coordinate multiple inputs with tight deadlines, with a variety of internal and external stakeholders;
  • Must be analytically minded and have excellent writing skills;
  • Must have the ability to compile insightful and user-friendly reports;
  • Must be a human rights advocate with excellent advocacy skills and experience;
  • Solutions orientated.

  • Knowledge of the South African higher education system, policies and regulatory environment Advantageous.
  • Knowledge and experience in GBV&F programming; evidence-informed and rights-based programming for survivors of GBV&F; the relevant national and provincial policies and guidelines pertaining to GBV&F.


Enquiries regarding job content: Fhatuwani Ligege Manager: Gender Equity at (011) 559-4311
Enquiries regarding remuneration and benefits: Busisiwe Dumezweni HCM Business Partner (Acting) at (011) 559-3012


Your application, comprising of a detailed Curriculum Vitae as well as the names and full contact details (including telephone numbers and e-mail addresses) of at least three traceable and credible referees must be uploaded before or on the closing date of the advertised post. Please also attach the following: a copy of your highest academic qualification, proof of registration with professional bodies you might belong to and if applying for an academic position, a list of accredited research output and/ or a portfolio of your creative output.

If you require technical support / assistance on the UJ e-recruitment website, please contact our service provider PNET on the following contact details: 0861 227337/010 140 3099 or email ujsupport@pnet.co.za.

Candidates may be subjected to appropriate psychometric testing and other selection instruments.

In conjunction to merit on the basis of qualifications, experience and proven achievements the University of Johannesburg is committed to providing equal employment opportunities for persons with disabilities and those individuals from the historically disadvantaged groups. As necessitated by operational requirements the University reserves the right not to make an appointment to positions advertised. If you have not received a response from the University within 8 weeks of the closing date, you should assume that your application has been unsuccessful.


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