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About Us
Vibrant, multicultural and dynamic, the University of Johannesburg (UJ) shares the pace and energy of cosmopolitan Johannesburg, the city whose name it carries. Proudly South African, the university is alive down to its African roots, and well-prepared for its role in actualising the potential that higher education holds for the continent's development. UJ has transformed into a diverse, inclusive, transformational and collegial institution, with a student population of over 50 000, of which more than 3000 are international students from 80 countries. This makes UJ one of the largest contact universities in South Africa (SA) from the 26 public universities that make up the higher education system.
The vision of the UJ is to be "an international University of choice, anchored in Africa, dynamically shaping the future". The mission can be described as follows: "inspiring its community to transform and serve humanity through innovation and the collaborative pursuit of knowledge". These are underpinned by four values, namely: imagination, conversation, regeneration and ethical foundation.
The six strategic objectives provide a focused means for realising the Vision, Mission and Values of the University as set out above. They further represent a re-working of the original UJ Strategic Thrusts 2020 in the context of a wider positioning of the University as "The Pan-African" Centre for Critical Intellectual Inquiry, with the primary goal of achieving global excellence and stature.
The six strategic objectives are:
- Excellence in Research and Innovation.
- Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
- An International Profile for Global Excellence and Stature.
- Enriching Student-Friendly Learning and Living Experience.
- Active National and Global Reputation Management, and
- Fitness for Global Excellence and Stature (GES).
Thanks to the dedication of our researchers and their passion for what they do, uj finds itself scoring highly in global rankings.
For instance, we rank in the top 2%, worldwide, in the QS World University Rankings, 655th in the world in the University Ranking by Academic Performance and in the top 800 of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.
While we appreciate these feathers in our cap, such accolades reassure us that our reimagining of the future is proving positive.

An international University of choice, anchored in Africa, dynamically shaping the future.
Inspiring its community to transform and serve humanity through innovation and the collaborative pursuit of knowledge.
Our Values
We encourage and inspire free, independent and critical thought aimed at developing a better future for UJ and society by:
- Shaping the future by encouraging an imagination-driven vision of the future;
- Developing a cosmopolitan identity and a culture that embrace diversity;
- Exhibiting ambition and drive;
- Creating an environment conducive to free, independent and critical thought that inspires ‘bright ideas’ for the enhancement of our academic and community uplifting endeavours.
Through facilitating open, respectful and meaningful dialogue, we encourage an inclusive environment that embraces diversity by:
- Leading consultatively and constructively and making wise decisions collectively;
- Learning together from and through our diversity;
- Providing platforms and opportunities for meaningful engagement with one another and our stakeholders through mutual respect and listening;
- Creating an inclusive environment and nurturing the diversity of cultural expression through processes of mutual interaction, support and empowerment.
We are dynamic, progressive, responsive and innovative in our endeavour to provide access to global academic excellence and to promote the common good in a sustainable way by:
- Developing sustainably through creative contribution and renewal;
- Making positive change through innovating for the common good;
- Taking advantage of opportunities;
- Providing access to students to excellent educational opportunities across a wide range of fields and disciplines and at various levels;
- Constantly working to enhance the quality of our programmes and services;
- Providing a rich extra-curricular environment for students;
- Pushing boundaries, overcoming barriers with courage and surpassing expectations.
We nurture and actively promote an ethos of honesty, transparency, accountability and fairness in all our endeavours by:
- Treasuring academic freedom;
- Seeking balance in the pursuit of knowledge;
- Earning trust through credible and principled conduct;
- Acting responsibly by being fair, consistent and transparent;
- Participating in and developing the community;
- Being truthful and trustworthy at all times;
- Conducting our business ethically, in good faith and to the best of our ability;
- Honouring our commitments;
- Honouring information that is private and confidential;
- Client Advocacy – we serve our clients with distinction.